YES!! I'm so excited! I had a brand new drafting board made for a large size commission piece. I fell in love with blonde hard wood and it worked perfectly for a drafting table. I had a friend of mine, Ben Donnelly, build it for me and he did

an excellent job! Thank you Ben! I decided to throw on some random pictures on the board so it doesn't seem bare. Also, you can't see it, but the table opens like a piano bench to reveal lots of storage space for my art stuff!
In the background you can see the picture of the butterfly that I'm currently working on. I'm trying to delve into more of the 'painting world'. It has been a little while since I've focused any amount of time into painting. However, it seems to be going great! Funny story, I accidentally mixed up my paint and painted in acrylic thinking it was oil! I was amazed at how fast the 'oil' was drying and I looked down only to notice that the tube said acrylic! I guess acrylic is growing on me. Enjoy the picture! I will have the final product for sale most likely. If you are interested, shoot me an email!
Love you all,